Strona główna / Konserwacja

The degree of degradation of film materials on nitrocellulose base depends on the storage conditions. If inflammable film carriers are stored in the temperature that exceeds 21°C and air humidity above 60% RH, the risk of microbiological infection of photographic emulsion increases. With high temperature and low humidity, film loses its resilience and mechanical durability. A larger amount of inflammable film should be stored in purpose-built spaces situated in an unbuilt area, advisably outside the city. The equipment of storage space should be made of non-inflammable materials.

Proper conditions for storing the oldest films contribute to extending their lifespan by consecutive decades, providing for their systematic digitalisation.

At we can use a calculator to count the relation of the temperature and air humidity in the space where film materials are stored. Owing to a simple calculation, we are able to assess our conditions in terms of their impact on: natural ageing of materials, mechanical damages, growth of microorganisms and metal corrosion.


The Website is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund
within the framework of the Operational Programme – Infrastructure and Environment.